HANNA Caitlin Daughter of Deborah, step-daughter of Stephen and sister to Serena and Ava. Her first Anniversary away from home which occurs 28th March 2023. R.I.P. May the angels keep you wrapped in love. Caitlin whom we loved and have lost is no longer where she was before, she is now wherever we are. Caitlin you will always have a place in our hearts and in a year, two or even eternity won't see your memory fade. For those we love and may look upon no longer, for those whose path may not be ours, for those we teach and from whom we learn, Caitlin who holds us in her heart and will someday call us home. Caitlin goodbyes hurt when the story is not fin- ished and the book has been closed forever, how- ever you are our family so your book will always be open. We love you our darling Caitlin you are now another piece of our jigsaw in Heaven, one day we will all fit in place together. So sadly missed by your Aunt Bernadette and Uncle Micky, cousin Neil, partner Leanne and son James also cousin Ben and partner Leonie xoxo.