Birthday Memories


HUGHES Michael 19th Birthday occurs 1st December 2021 There’s a hole in our hearts that will never be filled, but the thought of you makes it easier wee man. We know you’re up there keeping us safe. You will always be with us Micky blue eyes. Have fun with uncle Thomas wee man. Love is not enough to say son. Your Dad and Mum.

HUGHES Michael 19th Birthday occurs 1st December 2021 Our brother Micky blue eyes. For the time you were with us was the best times ever bro, just so sad we can’t be with you on this 18th birthday bro but we know uncle Thomas will be with you. We love and miss you bro John, Patrick and wee Eimer.

HUGHES Michael 19th birthday occurs 1st December 2021. Gone but not forgotten. From your godmother Lorna and husband Michael.

HUGHES Michael 19th birthday occurs 1st December 2021. Party with the angels. Loved and missed from all your aunts and uncles and cousins.