

In Proud and Loving Memory of The Volunteers of Óglaigh Na hÉireann, Belfast Brigade and Members  of the Republican Movement Killed on Active Service or who died after a life  time of service. Vol, Kieran  Doherty, August 2nd 1981,  Vol, Robert McCrudden,  August 3rd 1972, Vol, Martin  Skillen, August 3rd 1974,  Vol, Jack McCartan, August  4th 1977, Vol, Tony Campbell, August 4th 1985. I  measc Laochradh Na nGael  go raibh  a nAnamacha  Uaisle Thug siad a mbeo ag  troid ar son Muintir agus  Saoirse Na hÉireann In trust  of the Belfast National  Graves Association.