

IRELAND Colette Precious memories of my mammy, whose Anniversary occurs 17th of October, her 1st away from  home. Another day goes  by without you, another  day to reminisce, about  all the times we shared  together and everything I  miss. Flowers at your  grave, photos everywhere  in frames, I still feel you  all around me, but nothing is the same. If I could  see you for a minute, I  know what I would do, I'd  freeze that moment in a  heartbeat, so I could stay  with you. Nobody will  ever lace your boots, you  were my best friend, not  just my mother, you were  a jack of all trades, there  isn't one job you didn't  cover. I loved how genuine you were and loyal til  the core, you were cut  from a different cloth,  they don't make anymore. I didn't want you to go  wanted to keep you with  me, but I can live knowing you're up there running after wee Kathy's  feet. She waited as long  for you as you waited for  her, now she's back in the  arms of our beautiful  mother. I know someday  we'll be together in a  place not far away and  my heart won't be shattered in a million pieces  the way it is today. I miss you everyday Ma, it kills me you're not here, I'll follow through my promises  fly high, but stay near.  Loved and missed forever  from your baby Denise and Grandson Tommy Tucker xxxxxxx