Birthday Memories


 JONES MarkRyan Precious birthday memories  of my son whose 28th birth- day occurs 14th February.  There’s a beautiful place in  Heaven where the angels go  to play, there’s a very spe- cial party there, it’s MarkRy- an’s birthday. Give him lots  of hugs and kisses Lord, the  ones I cannot give, tell him  that he’s kept within my  heart for as long as I live.  Gentle Jesus please don’t  let him know that my heart  still aches with pain for in  that special place in Heaven  Lord, one day I will hold my  son again. Always loved and  never forgotten. Daddy and  sister Courtney xxx.

JONES MarkRyan Precious  memories of our much  loved grandson whose 28th  birthday occurs 14th Febru- ary. No cards can we send  for there is no address, just  a beautiful garden where  you have gone to rest. It  broke our hearts to lose you  but you didn’t go alone, for  part of us went with you the  day God called you home.  Look around your garden  Lord for a angel with a  smile, that angel is our  grandson he must stand out  a mile. So dearly loved and  sadly missed by his loving  grandad and granny Jones  xxx. 

JONES MarkRyan. Precious  memories of my much loved  nephew whose 28th birthday occurs 14th February. Put Your arms around him Lord to show he’s not alone, for it’s his birthday and he is a long way from home. No cards can we give you on your special day, so we’ll celebrate your life in our own special way. Loved and  missed always auntie Christine xxx.

JONES MarkRyan Birthday  memories of my nephew  whose 28th birthday occurs  14th February. A silent tear  falls gently which others do  not see, for a loving nephew  who meant the world to me.  A photograph to treasure is  all I have to touch of a  nephew I love and miss so  much. To some you are for- gotten, to others part of the  past, but to those who loved  and lost you, your memory  will always last. Happy  birthday MarkRyan. Always  loved and missed, aunt Patricia xx.