

KANE MAUREEN (Nee Thomas) RIP Holy Masses offered for the  5th Anniversary of my  loving and much  missed  sister Maureen died  3rd December 2019 Thinking of her as living in  the hearts of those she  touched, for nothing loved  is ever lost and she was  loved so much. Jesus we  trust in thee. While only a  young wife and mammy to  two little children, one age  2 and one age 4 months.  Maureen took over when  our mammy died suddenly  January 1955. We were age  16, 14 and 11 and Jesus said  “if you do it for one of my  children, you did it for me.  Remembered everyday in  our prayers, her loving sister Lily and family, John, Peter, Bernadette, Gerard,  Catherine and Brendan  Marken. St Joseph intercede for her gentle soul.