

LAVERY CHRISSY Our Chrissy 5th Anniversary of our beautiful son. Robbed of his life. St Christopher pray for him. We miss you more than anyone knows, as time goes by the emptiness  grows. We laugh, we talk, we play our part, but behind our smile is our  broken hearts. Your memory we treasure, the times we spent together,  the happiness, the fun, the pain of another year without our son. We  speak to you on our own, we will never understand the reason why you  have gone. I know I cannot see you but we share an unbroken bond, always so strong death wont ever keep us apart. Our love is forever just  remember you live on in our hearts, you were the hardest goodbye ever  son. We miss you more than we have ever missed anything in our  whole life, we feel so lost without you. Keep watching over us son, keep  giving me strength. I know your aunt Marie will keep you in her arms  until I get you back into mine were you belong. We love you till the  moon and stars from mummy and daddy. Our beautiful boy. xxx Keep  sending us the signs son, they give us so much strength. If love could  have saved you, you never would have died. We will meet again soon.  xxx From your heartbroken mummy and daddy. No parent should ever  have to bury their child, the pain is unbearable.

LAVERY Chrissy In loving memory of my best friend and baby brother  who gained his angel wings on the 3rd April 2017, away before his time.  It’s been the hardest thing to lose you, you meant so much to me, but  you are in my heart brother and that’s were you’ll always be. I know that  heaven called you but I wish you could have stayed, at least the memories I have of you they will never fade. I did not want to lose you, but you did not go alone, because a part of me went with you when heaven called you home. So just remember one thing Chrissy we are not apart, you’re with me in my memories and in my broken heart. Never did I think I would be sitting writing an insertion in the paper for you Chrissy, you should be standing by my side were you always were. My heart is so sore Chrissy, it’s so hard putting a brave face on for everyone when you’re hurting so much inside. Miss you so much mate keep my seat in heaven warm. Rest easy bro because when it is my turn to join you, we have so much catching up to do. Lots of love your big bro Fra and wee godson Mackenzie. P.S A promise is a promise. Love you. xx

LAVERY 3rd April, 5th Anniversary of a big brother Chrissy. I miss our  talks, I miss your advice, I miss you more than anyone knows, as time  goes by the emptiness grows. They say time is a healer, it’s definitely  not true, there’s not a day goes by Chrissy that I don’t cry for you. I talk  to you everyday I know you are always near, I feel you wipe my tear- drops from the corner of my eye, followed by another every time I cry.  Stay by my side bro please give me strength, it’s really hard without  you. From your wee brother Mark. Love and miss you so much. xxx

LAVERY Chrissy 3rd April, 5th Anniversary of my beautiful brother. If I  could visit heaven even for a day, maybe for a moment this pain would  go away. I’d put my arms around you and whisper words so true that living life without you is the hardest thing to do. No matter how we spend  our days, no matter what we do, no morning dawns, no evening falls  when we don’t think of you. Love you always bro, from your only sister  Chloe. Give Jack a big hug from me, tell him I miss him xoxoxoxoxoxox

LAVERY Chrissy 3rd April 5th Anniversary of my uncle Chrissy, my special uncle. Every day passes by you are the twinkle in the sky. So loving, so giving, a heart of gold, always my uncle even when I’m old. Your love shines through all to see, I’m glad you were an uncle to me. Love you Chrissy from your nephew Kaydn xoxo

LAVERY Chrissy 3rd April 5th Anniversary of my beautiful cousin  Chrissy. I miss you, I miss your voice, I miss your smile, I miss your  hugs. I miss your jokes, I miss just everything about you Chrissy. My  beautiful wee cousin will never forget you. Loved always Charlene and  kids xoxoxox