

 LYNAS Theresa (Nee Campbell). 1st Anniversary.  Where has this year went.  You’re sadly missed, your  memories will never fade as  we remember the way  things used to be. We wish  Theresa happy birthday  wishes on the 26th July, her  first heavenly birthday away  home. Also we remember  Jimmy, John, Peter and  Jerry whose Anniversaries  occur around this time. Will  always be remembered by  Jennie, Lisa, Kevin Carson  and families, also the  McKay family. 

Lynas (Nee Campbell)  Teresa. Remembering you  today and always on your  first year away from home  and first birthday spent in  heaven. As you were you  will always be, treasured  forever in our memory.  Loved and missed every day  from Mary and Stephen  Rooney and family.