

MASON ROBERT We the family of the late Robert Mason would like to  thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with  us on the loss of our brother and uncle. We offer our  heartfelt thanks to all the family, friends and neighbours who called to the house, sent Mass cards,  provided food and sent floral tributes, your kindness is  deeply appreciated. We would like to thank Grosvenor  Road Surgery and the Doctors, Nurses and Staff of Majors Department RVH for the care, attention and  dignity given to Robert. We would also like to thank  Robert’s friends and neighbours, Martin and Liz Flynn  for all their help and assistance given to Robert and  especially when the paramedics arrived, your kindness will never be forgotten. Thank you to Fr  Aiden Brankin for the beautiful Mass and to Catherine  McCallum for the beautiful singing. Finally a word of  thanks to O’Neills Funeral Directors for their sensitivity  and professionalism in how they handled all the funeral arrangements. For anyone who helped in any  way, your help is deeply appreciated. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our sincere appreciation.  The Holy Sacrifice will be offered for your intentions.  Robert’s Month Mind Mass will be held  on Sunday 7th August at 11am  in St Oliver Plunkett Church.