Birthday Memories


 MATEER Joe and Eimear Happy heavenly birthday  daddy, we miss you so  much, we wish you were  here to celebrate your day  with us. Keep singing your  songs daddy and rest easy  untill the day comes we are  together again xxx. Adrienne and John Also remembering our niece  Eimear at this time, 5 years  away from home, We miss  you so much baby girl. How  we wish we could see your  wee face and hear your wee  voice, forever young Eimear,  our wee Angel party with  granda Joe xxx. Adrienne  and John xx

 MATEER Joe Happy heavenly birthday  daddy. If I were to live a  thousand years I would be- long to you for all of them. If  we were to live a thousand  lives I would want to make  you my father in each one.  Love and miss you so much  daddy. Paula and family.