

MAXWELL JIM 8th Anniversary Precious and loving  memories of my husband  Maxie. Missing you is a  heartache that never  goes away, not only at  Christmas but every single day. Let the stars be your candles and keep  them burning bright, so  when I look up to heaven  I know you are alright.  Happy Christmas Maxie,  give Jacqueline a big kiss  from me and hug her  tight. Sleep in heavenly  peace. Love and miss you  both so much, your loving  wife Celia. Mother of Perpetual Succour pray for them.

MAXWELL JIM Maxie 8th Anniversary You left so sudden daddy  the pain never goes  away, we think and talk  about you so much our  lives are not the same.  God bless. Hold Jacque- line tight. Sleep in heavenly peace. Your loving daughter Maria and son Jim.