

McALORUM Margaret 6th Anniversary away from home occurs 14th November Your death still seems like yesterday yet every  day without you seems like a year and a day. Tick tock goes the incessant clock, the sun rises and then falls again, but I’ll never be the  same. Time does not heal the grief I feel our moments in time are now memories, your death seems so unreal. I can’t forget the moment when a knife was plunged into my heart, a time I never imagined we would be apart. Time will not mend the hole, there is no medicine that will make me feel whole. Time was cut short for you as well as our dreams and  future too. Now I live moment by moment I search for a way through my grief, torment, I look at your pictures, precious moments in time, I know that my grief will last a life time. I don’t feel that I truly live now, I exist the best I can, I feel so changed that I’m trying to remember who I am. If only I could turn back  time, I would still choose you to be part of my life every time. My memories are timeless they transcend all time and are limitless, I spend a lot of time alone just thinking of you. Time only increases my love for you,  tick tock goes the incessant clock. With each tick I travel nearer to you, until on Heaven’s door I'll knock  as time moves on I’ll not let go of you. I’ll still hold your hand in mine. Our love will live forever and will outlast the sands of time. From your heartbroken husband Frankie and son Richard. Loved and missed every day  xoxoxoxox. 

Margaret mcalorum mem