

McATAMNEY Perry 3rd Anniversary occurs 5th May They say there is a reason, they say that time will heal, neither time nor reason can change the way I feel. Gone are the days we used to share, but in my heart you are always there. The gates of memories will never close, I miss you more than anyone knows. Until we meet again, always and forever. Love Seaneen and your nieces and  nephews xoxo

McATAMNEY Perry 3rd Anniversary occurs 5th May No matter how many years pass the grief never leaves us. We take this day to cherish and treasure all the memories and good times we spent today. Nothing can prepare us for losing you and there’s no getting used to this feeling. While you may not be here physically, you’ll always be in our hearts. Loved and missed your wee sister Kelly-Jo and 2 nephews Réo and Ty.

McATAMNEY Perry 3rd Anniversary occurs 5th May Perry I would give up all my treasures and everything I own if God would only say to me your brothers coming  home. A brothers love is a blessing and that is what I miss, I wish I could have you back instead of writing this. To me you were someone special, in my eyes you will always shine, of all the brothers in the world I’m glad that you were mine. I miss and will love you everyday. Your heartbroken sister Mairéad, nieces Jorja and Sienna and nephew Reagan.

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