

McBRIDE BILLY 5th Anniversary In loving memory of my dear husband Billy,  whose 5th Anniversary occurs 5th August. St  Bridget pray for him. We your family miss you  in the house where you used to be, we wanted  so much to keep you but God willed it not to be.  Now you’re in God’s keeping you suffer no more  pain, so dear God take care of him until we  meet again. Always loved and remembered by  Donna and John, Martin and Jacqueline, Jim  and Tricia, Maura and Ciaran, Liam and Mary,  Peter and Jennifer and Manuel and Carrie. 

In loving memory of our granda, great granda  and great great granda Billy whose 5th Anniversary occurs 5th August. Time may hide the sadness like a smile can hide a tear but memories  last forever of a granda we loved so dear. So  those who have a granda love him while you  may, as we wish with all our hearts our granda  was here today. Always loved and remembered  by your loving grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren xxx