

McCABE Jackie  Whose 1st Anniversary  occurs today 21st Sep- tember 2023. In loving  memory of my beloved  brother Jackie. Think  about you today and al- ways. They say that time  heals all pain, for some  that may be true, but still  we feel it everyday the  pain of losing you. Life  goes on but still our  hearts are sore, we love  and miss you more and  more. Sorely missed by  your loving sister Clare  and brother-in-law Robert,  niece Tracey and nephew  Aaron xx. 

McCABE Jackie. 1st year  away from home. In loving  memory of my beloved  brother Jackie. Gone but  not forgotten. Always remembered by Brendan, Patricia and family. St Joseph pray for him.

McCABE John (Jackie)  whose first Anniversary oc- curs on 21st September, St  Martin pray for him. In sad  and loving memory of my  brother. Thinking if you today and every day. Your sister Mary, brother-in-law Gerard and families.