

McCANN Georgina  (Georgie) 10th Anniversary away from home.  Always on our minds, forever in our hearts. xxx We had a  mummy with a heart of gold, who was more to us than  wealth unfold. Without farewell she fell asleep, with only  memories for us to keep. Sorely missed by your daughter  Tracy and partner Dominic xxx

We think about you always, we talk about you still, you  have never been forgotten and you never will. We hold  you close within our hearts and there you will remain, to  walk and guide us through our lives until we meet again.  Loved and missed everyday by your daughter Denise,  son-in-law Joseph, grandsons Caolan and partner  Shauna, JoJo, Darragh and great grand-daughters  Bella-Grace and Eva. xxx

We have only a memory dear mummy, we cherish our  whole life through but the sweetness will live forever as  we treasure the memory of you. Sadly missed by your  daughter Andrea xxx

Your smile has gone forever and your hand we cannot  touch, we have so many memories of you mum we love  you so vey much. Sadly missed by your son Stephen,  partner Sarah and granddaughter Nylah. xxx

My heart is full of memories, with pride I speak your  name, though life goes on without you, it has never been  the same. Loved and missed by your sister Mary,  brother-in-law Joe and family circle. RIP Georgie xxx

Georgina mccann