

McCONNELL  Andrea. 2nd  Anniversary R.I.P. Precious  memories of our much  loved cousin Andrea. St Pio  pray for her. Our words are  few, our thoughts are deep,  memories of you we’ll al- ways keep. This day is re- membered and silently kept,  no words are needed, we’ll  never forget. Dance with the  Angels Andrea. Give our  Brian a big hug. Love al- ways, Maureen, Paul,  Brenda and Elaine xxxx

 McCONNELL Andrea 2nd  Anniversary R.I.P. Precious  memories of a much loved  niece and god-daughter. Sa- cred Heart of Jesus pray for  her. Never more than a  thought away, loved and  prayed for everyday. Missed  beyond words. Aunt Lily x