

McCONVILLE Archie In loving memory of our granda Archie whose 1st Anniversary occurs on Friday 14th  October 2022. A granda’s love is special a gift beyond  compare, you only know the meaning when he is no longer there. A special time,  a special face, a special granda we can never replace. With aching hearts, we whisper low we love you granda and miss you so. Remembered with love. St Patrick pray for hm. Anton and Emma xxxx. 

 McCONVILLE Archie In loving memory of our  brother-in-law and uncle Archie whose 1st Anniversary occurs on Friday 14th October 2022. Our words are  few, our thoughts are deep, memories of you are ours to  keep. This day is remembered and silently kept, no words are needed we will  never forget. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves memories no  one can steal. Sadly missed  and remembered always, Annmarie, Paddy and Thomas. St Jude pray for him  xxx. 

McCONVILLE Archie In loving memory of my son-in-law Archie whose 1st Anniversary occurs on Friday 14th October 2022. As each day dawns and starts  anew, as day ends I think of you, and in between no matter where deep in my heart you are always there. Sadly missed always, your father-in-law Rob. St Jude pray for him xx. 

McCONVILLE Archie In loving memory of our granda Archie whose 1st Anniversary occurs on Friday 14th October 2022. A light went out on earth granda the day you said goodbye, and on that day a star was born the brightest in the sky. Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, of the granda we loved and will never forget. Remembered with love. Our  Lady pray for him. Your grandson Junior and grand-daughters Mya and Madisyn  xxx. 

McCONVILLE Archie In loving memory of my daddy whose 1st Anniversary occurs on Friday 14th October 2022. Today, like every other day daddy brings special thoughts of you. of the happy times we shared and the caring things you used to do. And once more it’s a reminder that life’s road is  sometimes rough, because the time we shared together daddy was not long enough.  For you were someone special who was thought so highly of, who will always  be remembered with affection, warmth and love. I’m sending my love to Heaven today on the wings of a  beautiful dove, to let you  know I miss you more than  words could ever say, and  how I wish with all my heart  that you were here with us all each and every day. Remembered with love. Our Lady pray for him. Your loving son Michael. 

 McCONVILLE Archie In loving memory of my daddy whose 1st Anniversary occurs on Friday 14th October 2022. You were a daddy who was so special and  who was loved so very much, you brought so much happiness to the many hearts you touched. You were always kind and caring, understanding too and  if I ever needed help daddy, it came so freely from you. You were a gift to all the  world, you brought joy to everyone, life has not been the same ever since you  have been gone. Loved and remembered every day. Our Lady pray for him. Your son  Robert and grand-daughter Cliodhna xx. 

 McCONVILLE Archie. In loving memory of my daddy whose 1st anniversary occurs on Friday 14th October 2022. He never looked for praise, he was never one to boast, he just got on with life, quietly looking after the ones he loved the most. His dreams were seldom spoken, his wants were very few as long as we were happy, he was happy too. A sturdy hand to hold onto, in times of stress and strife, a true friend I could turn to when times were good or bad, one of my greatest  blessings, the man I was privileged to call my Dad. You were the hero of my childhood years and of my adult life too, I will always miss you Daddy because I thought the world of you. Rest in Peace Daddy. Our Lady pray for him. Remembered with love and missed more than words could ever say, your Sharon and Gerard xxxx