

McCUSKER Brian (Bap)   The family of the late Brian McCusker (RIP) wish to acknowledge most sincerely the many people who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. The outpouring of grief and sadness has been so touching to us as a family, especially our loving mother Lily whom Brian adored and cherished. It is almost impossible to imagine so much love and genuine respect for one ordinary guy, who seemed to touch so many with his caring ways and of course his warm-hearted smile. We knew our Brian was special, we simply didn’t realise just how special! This acknowledgement is for all those who called to our  family home to pay their respects, bringing Mass cards  and sharing tales of days gone by, for those who willingly  gave their time out walking and driving to try and find our  Brian, for those who sent floral tributes, for those at home  and abroad who sent and continue to send heartfelt letters and cards, for those individuals who brought sandwich platters, also Spar, Grosvenor Road and Spoons Restaurant for their generous supply of provisions, and the Davitt’s for kindly donating their function room. Thanks also to Tina for her valuable input, Eugene for stepping up when we needed him most and Eileen for the loving mementos. Brian’s family always came first, his many true and loyal  friends a close second. He valued their friendship, there  was nothing they wouldn’t do for one another. We can’t  name each individually but some we simply have to acknowledge, Marty, Robert, Colleen, Carolle, Craiger and  Big Conor. He also had immense fondness and respect for  his neighbours Maud and Stephen (RIP), John and Siobhan. Our gratitude is extended to the staff from each department within the Royal Group of Hospitals for their  tributes recorded in a book of remembrance. This will be  a treasured keepsake and legacy in Brian’s honour. A special thanks to Brian’s UNISON comrades who were instrumental in organising this together with other tributes and a generous donation to the Community Rescue charity. UNISON continue to be a valued support to our family on this heartbreaking journey. A huge thank you to the RVH porters, their kind donation  has also been passed to the Community Rescue charity,  whose search volunteers do tireless work on behalf of  families just like ours. PJ Brown Funeral Directors are to be commended for the  dignified and professional manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements. Sincere thanks to Fr.  Brian (St. Peter’s Cathedral) for his spiritual guidance and  funeral service. Also Brendan and Tommy for their beautiful musical tribute. Our family will be eternally grateful to all those Community Rescue volunteers who, without hesitation, came out Tuesday 5th November to search for and later find our beloved Brian. Our extended thanks to the PSNI, specifically those liaising with us during this awful time, Sgt. Robert and Constable Mark. We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our grateful appreciation. Mass offered for your intentions. Brian’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated  in St. Peter’s Cathedral,  Saturday 7th December 2024 at 10am. The final word must go to Brian’s beautiful daughter  Emma Lily. “I held your hand for a short while, but I’ll  hold your heart forever, you are, and always will be,  my gorgeous girl. Love always, Daddy xx