

McDONAGH Collette. In loving memory of my mummy  whose 10th anniversary occurs at this time. The angels  gathered near your side so  very close to you for they  knew your pain and suffering you were going through.  I thought about so many  things as I held tightly to  your hand, oh how I wish  that you were strong and  happy once again but your  eyes were looking homeward to that place beyond  the sky, where Jesus held  his outstretched arms, it  was time so say goodbye. I  struggled with my selfish  thoughts for I wanted you to  stay so we could walk and  talk again like we did yesterday. But Jesus knew the  answer and I knew you  loved him so, so I gave to  you lifes greatest gifts, the  gift of letting go. Always  loved and missed every day  by your heartbroken daughter Laura, husband Seany and grand-daughter Maili. xoxo