McDONALD DECLAN 8th Anniversary Precious memories of my grandson Declan. You will never be forgotten, not for a single day, for memories of you are special and will never fade away. Your loving granny Mary (Mary Doll) xxx.
McDONALD Declan Loving memories of my nephew Declan whose 8h Anniversary occurs 24th January. Memories are the greatest things, they last from day to day, they don’t get lost, they don’t grow old and they never fade away. Loved and missed always aunt Ann and cous- ins Christopher and Conor x.
McDONALD Declan 8th Anniversary. The years fly by and you are never forgotten nor will you ever be as long as life and memories last, I will always miss and remember you. Your uncle Charles x.
McDONALD Declan 8th Anniversary. Time may pass and fade away, but silent thoughts and memories stay. No longer in our lives to share, but in our hearts you are al- ways there. Still missed by aunt Eileen and all your cous- ins.