

McDONNELL Anthony (A.J) Whose first Anniversary occurs 5th December 2022. Always loved and sorely missed son, brother, uncle  and partner of Lee. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest, it broke our heats to see you go, God only takes the best.  St Pio pray for him. Heavenly birthday wishes on 12th December Anthony xxx

McDONNELL Anthony  (AJ) 1st Anniversary occurs  5th December 2022. Malone Bernie 1st Anniversary 19th  December 2022. A beauti- ful memory dearer than gold of a nephew and aunt  whose worth can never be told. There’s a place in my heart no one can fill, I miss you both and always will.  Always loved by Geraldine, Seán and Black family circle.

 McDONNELL Anthony 1st Anniversary In loving memory of my dearest brother and loving  uncle Anthony RIP. A year  ago our world fell apart,  God took my brother and  broke my heart. Never more than a thought away. St Anthony pray for him. Will always be remembered by  your heartbroken brother  Harry, partner Cliodhna, niece Zoe-Lee and nephew Fintan.