

McDonnell Philomena (Mena)  1st Anniversary  occurs 26th September.  In loving memory of our  beautiful Wife, Mummy  and Nanny. We think of you in si- lence, we often speak  your name, but all we  have are memories and  your picture in a frame.  Your resting place we  visit and put flowers  there with care, but no  one knows the heartache  as we turn and leave you  there. Our family chain is  broken now and nothing  seems the same, but as  God calls us one by one,  the links will join again.  Sadly missed everyday by  your loving Husband Jo- sie, children Joseph,  Gary, Stephen, Seana,  Paul and partners and  your ten grandchildren.  Mena's First Anniversary  Mass is in Holy Family  Church on Sunday 29th  September at 10.30am.