

McELKERNEY Martin. Precious memories of my dear  brother, brother-in-law and  uncle Martin. Vol. INLA  whose 3rd anniversary occurs May 17th. RIP. St Martin pray for him. It’s been  three long years our Martin  from the day that you  passed, the days have been  so long but the years have  gone so fast. We know that  you look over us in every- thing we do, as we hold  onto the memories of a  brother as special as you.  We miss you so much. Vincent, Sinead, Kaitlin, Vincent, Reece and baby Nainsi. 

McELKERNEY Martin RIP.  Remembering our uncle on  his 3rd Anniversary away  from home. Always a smile,  always content, always  loved wherever you went.  True was your heart, your  actions so kind, what beau- tiful memories left behind.  Loved always and missed so  much Bronagh, Matt and Eithne x.