CHRISTMAS BLESSING McGUIGAN PATRICIA AND MAURICE Our daddy’s 8th and mummy’s 6th from home St Pio pray for our beloved parents If we could visit heaven even for one day, even for a moment the pain would go away. We could put our arms around you and whisper words so true, that living life without you is the hardest thing go do. When we wake on Christmas morn- ing and look to Heaven above, we will remember you dearly and think of you with special love. Forever loved and missed your sons Gerard, Kevy, Maurice, Joe, daughters Teresa, Rosaleen, Mary, Tricia, grandkids, great grandkids. Also remembering our beautiful cousin Patrick-Martin and all our departed family. Rest in peace. HENRY PATRICK MARTIN Christmas blessings to my beautiful son 11th from home. Our Lady of Knock pray for him. Hearts conceal so many things that words can never say but the sadness that December brings will never go away. The pain I have to live with, the tears I never show, the emptiness without you no one will ever know. Love you always son. Your loving mummy Teresa, Gerard and wee sis Hanna-Rose. God bless xxx.