

McGUINNESS, Alice Precious memories of my  dear mother Alice R.I.P  whose 53rd anniversary and  103rd birthday occurs 27th  February. Saint Theresa  pray for her. The sorrow I  feel I cannot explain, the  ache in my heart forever re- mains. You cannot come  back, I know that’s true but  I feel you are with me in all  that I do. For mothers and  sons never part, they are  bound in the beating of  each others hearts. Forever  missed by your son Gerard,  daughter-in-law Rosie,  grandchildren Theresa and  Gee and friend Tony. Also  thinking of my beloved sis- ter Colette on her 70th  Birthday.

McGUINNESS Alice In loving  memory of my dear mum Al- ice whose 103rd birthday  and 53rd anniversary occurs  27th February. R.I.P. If I  could have a lifetime wish,  a dream that would come  true, I'd wish for even just  one day to get to spend  with you. My mother was  precious and so is her  name, without her to love  life is never the same. As  long as I live I will always be  glad, grateful and proud of  the mummy I had. Loved  and missed always your  heartbroken daughters  Marie and Marina xx