

McGUINNESS/LEONARD  Henry. 39th and 6th Anniversaries. In loving memory of my beloved father Henry who died  30th November 1984 and my beloved sister, our Bernie who died 4th December 2017. RIP. Partings  come and hearts are broken, loved ones go with  words unspoken. Deep in  my heart their memories are  kept, for a father and sister   I will never forget. St Patrick  pray for them. Harry, Isobel  and family.

McGUINNESS  Henry In loving memory of my dear dad  on his 39th Anniversary  30th November R.I.P. Also  my big sister Bernie whose  Anniversary is 4th December R.I.P. The blow was  hard, the shock severe, to  part with one we loved so  dear. Our loss is great but  we won't complain, just  trust in God we will meet  again. They say there is a  reason, they say that time  will heal, but neither time  nor reason will change the  way I feel. Loved and  missed always your loving  daughter/sister Marie xx.