

McKINNEY Margaret   RIP 1st Anniversary  occurs on the  13th September  One year from you left us to  go to God's beautiful garden. The next time that I will  meet you will be at heaven’s  door, you'll be there to meet  me and I'll never cry again,  no more pain of missing  you. I'll put my arms around  you and kiss your beautiful  face again and this broken  heart of mine will fall back  into place again. You were  one remarkable woman  granny and how lucky was I  to be your grand-daughter.  Your wee ladybird, grand- son Luca and Jack x x

McKINNEY Margaret. 1st Anniversary of my beloved  mummy who died 13th September 2022. Your name is  often spoken, our thoughts  are with you still, you have  never been forgotten and to  us you never will. Always  loved and remembered by  your son David,  daughter-in-law Lee-Ann  and kids.