

 McKnight  Philomena. In  loving memory of Philomena whose 1st Anniversary  occurs on 5th April. Sadly  missed and always remembered by your loving family.  If we could only see you, for  just a little while, to tell you  how much we miss you, and  also see your smile. This we  know we cannot do, so we  love and remember you.  Love and miss you loads  Tracy, John, Amy and Sean  xx 

McKnight Philomena Died  5th April 2021. First Anniver- sary away from home.  Granny how has it been a  year already? I have never  missed someone as much  as I miss you. I just wish  you were here for even 1  more day so you could meet  our Daisy, you would have  just adored her. I tell her  about you every single day,  so when she grows up she  will know who you are when  we talk about our memories. Those memories I will  treasure forever. Please  keep watching over us all  expecially granda, he’s just  lost without you. I love you  more than anything. Loved  and missed from your  grand-daughter Michelle,  Paul, Adam, Sean and Daisy  xox.  
