

McLARNON Brendan RIP His children Katrina, Paul,  Brendan, Shauna, Conor,  Patrick and their families  would like to express our  sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who  sympathised with us on our  recent bereavement of our  most beloved daddy, son,  grandad, brother, volunteer  and friend. We would like to  thank the Ligoniel commu- nity and beyond for their  support throughout this dif- ficult time. Heartfelt thank  you to all who called to the  house, sent Mass cards, floral tributes, attended the  wake and funeral. We would  personally like to thank our  own G.Ps in Ligoniel Health  centre for their dedication  and care. We thank Mallon  Brothers for the profes- sional caring manner in  which they carried out  daddy's funeral arrangements, a sincere thanks to  Fr Vincent for a beautiful fu- neral Mass for daddy,  thanks to the the Ligoniel  Working Men's Club and to  everyone who helped in  every possible way, a thousand thank yous would not  come close to the special  people that loved daddy as  much as we did and what  you done it certainly didn't  go unnoticed, for your act of  kindness, it was much ap- preciated. Daddy ( Brendan)  Months Mind Mass is at  7pm in St Vincent de Paul  Church Wednesday September 27th, God bless you all for your support, St Padre Pio pray for him. Mass of special intentions offered up.