

McLARNON Jenny  Sad and precious memories  of my beautiful daughter  Jenny whose 13th anniversary occurs on the 9th October. St Anthony pray for her.  I never thought I'd lose you  Jenny, maybe that was  wrong, you were always a  part of me that I thought  would go on and on. My  heartache and my sadness,  I rarely let it show and people say the pain lessens,  how little do they know. To  all the world I'm coping, I’m  fine when people ask but if  they could see inside my  heart they would know it's  just a mask. Jenny left  something behind that no  one can see, so you have to  forgive me, I couldn't resist,  I just wanted you to know  my Jenny did exist. I love  you more than life itself and  when my life is through, I  pray God takes my hand  and brings me straight to  you. Loved and sorely  missed by her mummy  Elizabeth xx. 'The sun will  come out tomorrow'.