

McMANUS JAMES (Jimmy) Precious Memories 7th Anniversary October 14th RIP Very precious memories of my dear son Jimmy. Son you  are at peace now with your son Vincent but I will never  stop missing you as I do every day, broken hearts don’t  mend that way. Will love and miss you forever my big  son. God bless you. Love from your mum Eileen, your  brothers, sisters and family circle.

CONLON Isobel (Bell) 7th Anniversary October 15th RIP What I would give if I could say I am going over to see our  Bell today. So sad love it cannot be but I feel you all  watching over me. God bless you. Love as you are at rest  with God and all your loved ones now. No more pain. God  bless. Greatly missed by your sister Eileen and all McManus family circle.

TRAVERSARIE Maureen 7th Anniversary 29th October My dear sister RIP. God bless you love. I miss our phone  calls love and when I went to visit you we used to have  some happy times and then some sad times too, as we  used to talk of times gone by that was me and you, but  then you left so sudden, only God knows why, I hope you  heard me on the phone saying my last goodbye to you,  my sister RIP. Sadly missed by your sister Eileen McManus and family.