

McMILLAN JIM 18th Anniversary occurs 27th May In loving memory of our son and brother Jim. Hearts hide so many things that words can never say but the sadness that this day brings will never go away. The pain we have to live with, the tears we never show, the emptiness without you Jim no one will ever know. Missed always mum and dad, brothers Patrick and Michael, sister Chloe, nephew Kian and niece Boston-Rose.

McMILLAN Jim. 18th Anniversary occurs 27th May. In loving memory of my grandson and nephew Jim RIP. If anyone asked us Jim why we thought the world of you, we could give a million answers and each one would be true. For you were someone special, someone set apart and though you rest in Heaven you are always in our hearts. Missed always granda Jim Meighan, uncles John and Sam.