

 McNALLY PATRICK First Anniversary occurs March 4th. My mind is flooded with  thoughts of our last days in  the City Hospital with you  Pat. We were so proud of  you, how you endured so  much,  fought to your last  breath. When you let us  know you were in a good  place, I thank God for your  happy death and for the 58  happy years together. I miss  all the familiar happenings  of every day with you Pat.  Waking up in the morning  beside you, the sound of  your voice saying my name,  asking me was I OK.  Glances that made me feel  safe and loved. All I took for  granted. Now I’m feeling  delicate, learning to live  without you. I know you’re  working with God, I feel  your presence Pat lifting  me, assuring me we will be  together as a family again  praising God with one voice,  Amen