

McNAUGHTON Mary  3rd Away from home Mummy I thought I knew  a broken heart but that  was so untrue, the day  God called you back to  him my heart stopped  beating too. To all I show  my strength no sorrow do  I share, to hide this lonely  veil of grief it's all too  hard to bare. No one  knows the sorrow, no  thoughts nor feelings too,  how your coat that lays  upon my bead with your  aroma still there too.  Soaked in tears from yes- terday and tomorrows  with more to come, your  purse upon the mantle  place, your crumpled  money too. I often see  you in the street my heart  begins to race, I can't be- lieve it's you mummy  then you turn and its not  your face. All I have are  memories and a photo in  a frame but we will meet  again my love, my  mummy, my best friend.  Look over your grandchil- dren they have prospered  in every way, you here so  proud and still are now  just watching from the  clouds. Wrap your arms  around them to get them  through each day, for I  hear them weep when  they think I'm asleep for  their nanny no longer  there. Your forever heart- broken daughter Christy- anne, son-in-law Peter,  grandchildren Tony, Darragh and Claudia. St Joseph pray for her.