

MAGEE PAUL ANTHONY 1st Anniversary 29th December First away from home RIP Loving son of Josie and the late Hugh Magee. St  Anthony pray for them.  The day my son passed away I became someone  new, a totally different person, someone I never  knew. I am not the same, the only thing doesn’t  change is the spelling of my name. I cry more than I  ever did, I break down quite a lot, my heart hurts  everyday, the pain will never stop. A mother gives  her child a life and love unlike no other, when that  child is taken away, I became a grieving mother.  God has you in his keeping. I have so many questions that I ask throughout the day, all the whys and what ifs, the things I needed to say. Questions that are unending can plague the heart and mind desperately, seeking answers where there are none to find. I never got to tell you how much you meant to me, or that you were the best that anyone could ever be. So wait for me in Heaven, please don’t let me go alone. The day the angels come for me please be there to carry me home. Sleep tight Paul with your dad. Loved always and forever your heartbroken mother xoxox YNWA St Anthony pray for them.  Paul’s Anniversary Mass  is on Sunday 26th December at 7pm,  Holy Cross Church, Ardoyne.