

McSHANE Gemma 8th Anniversary of my much loved  sister. How well do I remember all the special times we  had as we were raised side  by side, sharing good times  sharing bad. Sometimes we  would disagree but always  made up in the end, but as  we grew up to be adults we  became the best of friends.  Love and miss you so much  your only brother Jim and  David and nephew Thomas.

McSHANE Gemma 8th Anniversary occurs 15th December, much loved sister of  Jeanna. If I could send a  postcard to Heaven up  above, I'd tell you that I  miss you and seal it with my  love. Pain would fill a thousand pages but what good  would that do because the  only thing I long for is to get  one back from you. So  Gemma if the Angels are listening every time I pray, I  hope they send the message that I miss you every  day, but for now love I’ll  keep the postcard here I  hope you understand, just  please love keep watching  over me until I can deliver it  by hand. I miss you so so  much, love I really do. Love  you your heartbroken sis  Jeanna and kids xxxxx. 
