

McVARNOCK  DAD & MUM John and Margaret 14th & 11th Anniversaries Our Lady of the Sacred  Heart watch over them both. This month of February is  hard for us as we lost you  both and our world just fell  apart. Living without yous is  so very hard to bare, life  goes on for everyone but a  piece of our heart will never  be complete until we are to- gether again. We miss our  chats and the laughs we all  shared over the years, we  talk about them and laugh  and cry. Our times together  were the memories we  made and no one can take  them away, they were price- less. May God take care of  you both in Heaven until we  have you in our arms once  again. Loved and missed  every day by your daughter  Margaret, your grandson  Séamus and wife Laura and  great grandchildren Eoin  and Aoife xxx Your son  John, wife Cathy and grand- children, Stephen, Johnny,  Joanne and families and  your six great grandchildren  xxx Give Charlene a kiss and  hug from us all xxx.