

MORGAN PAUL 6th Anniversary on 11th May Treasured memories of our beloved son Paul. St Pio  pray for him. Every morning when we wake son we  know that you are gone, no one knows the heartache as we try to carry on. Our hearts still ache  with sadness, silent tears still fall, trying to cope  without you Paul everyday is so hard. Always loved  and missed by your brokenhearted mummy and  daddy xoxoxo

MORGAN Paul In loving memory of my brother  Paul. Time hasn’t healed the heartache or dried  away the tears, we will always love and miss you  despite the passing years. Remembered and  missed everyday your brother Peter, Alana and family xoxo

MORGAN Paul 6th Anniversary 11th May. Although  I’m sad without you and wish that you were here,  within my heart your lovely smile still shines bright  and clear. I treasure all our memories Paul. Loved  and missed your brother Daniel and Brigid xoxo

MORGAN Paul 6th Anniversary 11th May In loving  memory of my grandson Paul. Lonely is my heart  without you, life is not the same, all the world  would be like Heaven if I could have you back  again. Love you forever nanny Winnie xoxo