

MORGAN Paul 8th Anniversary occurs 11th May In loving memory of our son Paul. Hearts conceal so many  things that words can never say, but the sadness that this  day brings will never go away. Loved and missed everyday son your brokenhearted mummy and daddy xx.

MORGAN Paul 8th Anniversary 11th May. Sad but cherishes memories of my brother Paul. No more tomorrows  for us to share, but yesterdays memories are always  there. Loved and missed every day by your brother Peter,  Alana, Cora, Paula and Keelan. 

MORGAN Paul Whose 8th Anniversary occurs 11th May. In  loving memory of my brother Paul. Sunshine passes,  shadows fall but love and memories outlast them all.  Loved and missed everyday your brother Daniel, Brigid  and Anna. 

MORGAN Paul 8th Anniversary occurs 11th May. Lonely is  our house without you, life is not the same, all the world  would be like Heaven if we could have you back again.  Loved and missed every day your nanny Winnie xo.