Birthday Memories


MORRIS Gerard. Birthday  memories to our  brother-in-law Gerard whose  70th birthday occurs on 2nd  March. His first away from  home. Call his name softly  Lord and when he looks  your way, wish him a happy  birthday on this his special  day. Happy birthday Gerard.  St Therese pray for him. Al- ways remembered by Eilish,  Joseph and all the Coogan  family.

MORRIS Gerard Heavenly  70th birthday. Birthday  kisses to the sky so blue,  catch them Granda they're  just for you. Love your  grand-daughter Katelyn.  Miss you so much xx. 

MORRIS Gerard I cannot  send a birthday card but  God will take my greetings  to one I miss so much.  Happy Heavenly 70th Birth- day Daddy. From Gerard  and Laura xx.