Birthday Memories


MORRIS Thommy Whose  84th Birthday occurs 28th  April. Wishing you the hap- piest birthday in Heaven,  from your daughter who  loves you so much from be- low. May your birthday be  blessed in every way. Love  and miss you, your daughter Lorraine and family.

MORRIS Tommy Happy  birthday dad whose 84th  birthday occurs on Wednesday 28th. Still loved and  sadly missed by your son  Brendan, daughter-in-law  Geraldine, grandchildren  Gerard and Rachel,  great-grandchildren Hayley  and Jaiden and Gerard’s  partner Ciara. St Anthony  pray for him.

MORRIS Tommy Happy  birthday dad. Heaven holds  my father on this his special  day Lord I ask this of you to  tell him I’m okay, then put  your arms around him and  tell him that’s from me,  please tell him that I will  love him for all eternity.  From Lynn, Sean, Ben, Hannah in London.