Christmas Blessings


MORRISON Denis My dear husband I miss you at Christmas. We used to love this time of year, but now everything I see reminds me just how much I  wish that you were back  here with me. For it’s little things I notice that so fill my heart with pain, such as reading Christmas greetings with the mention of your name. And it’s lights may still be twinkling but the tree’s forlorn now too, because underneath it's branches lay no gifts from me to you. But wherever you are dear Denis, I hope somehow you will know that you’re in my thoughts this Christmas for I’ll always love you so. Missed and loved every day by your loving wife Susan.

MORRISON Denis Loving memories of a special dad at Christmas time. A loving heart, a secret thought, a silent tear are all the things that keep you close when Christmas time is here. For you were someone special Dad, one of the very best, the pain and grief was hard to bare when you  were laid to rest. Our bond was sadly broken and for now we are apart but time they say, can help to heal our ever-aching hearts. Christmas thoughts are bittersweet yet lovely to recall, for Dad, it’s at special times you’re missed the most of all. Missed and loved everyday by your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.