

MURPHY PADDY In loving memory of my  husband Paddy whose  3rd Anniversary occurs  on 11th December and  whose 77th birthday  would have been on 28th  November. Today is the  third anniversary of the  day I lost you and Paddy  it hurts so much, part of  me died too. My heart is  broken and doesn’t beat  the same and breaks a little more each time I hear  your name. A million  prayers cannot bring you  back, I know because I’ve  tried, a million tears can- not bring you back, I  know because I’ve cried.  My eyes are filled with  tears today as I stand  here where you lay, I  think about you every  second Paddy and miss  you every day. Your lov- ing wife Bridie and all our  children, Christine,  Bridget, Patricia, Kieran  and daughter-in-law Debbie and all our grandchildren.