

MURPHY GERALD 2nd Anniversary occurs on  22nd December 2022  Our Lady pray for him  RIP Our lives go on without you,  but nothing is the same, we  have to hide our heartache,  when someone speaks your  name. Sad are the hearts  that love you, silent the  tears that fall, living our  lives without you, is the  hardest part of all. You did  so many things for us, your  heart was kind and true,  and when we needed to talk  to someone, we could al- ways count on you. The spe- cial years will not return,  when we were all together,  but with the love within our  hearts, you will walk with us  forever. Loved and missed  always by his loving son  Gerald, daughter-in-law Jennifer and grandchildren  Cillén, Sofia and Isla. Happy  Heavenly Christmas also  Daddy xxx.