

 O’HALLORAN Margaret 1st Anniversary  occurs 23rd August Mum if I could write a story  it would be the greatest  ever told of a kind and loving mum with the biggest  heart of gold. I could write a  million pages but still be  unable to say just how  much I love and miss you  every single day. Today is  filled with memories, with  happiness and tears of all  the wonderful times we had  throughout so many years.  Those special memories of  you will always bring a  smile, if only I could have  you back just for a little  while. Then we could sit and  talk again, just like we used  to do, you always meant so  much to me and always will  do too. Give dad a big hug  from me. Sorely missed  every day, your only son  Sean, partner Caroline and  granddaughters Tiarna and  Carla xoxo