

Oneill Caroline Memories  of my beautiful big sister  Caroline occurs on 8th Octo- ber. A million kisses sent to  you love and miss you. Your  wee brother Jude, partner  Grainne and Torri xxx

O'NEILL Caroline. Precious  memories of my little sister  Caroline whose 17th Anni- versary occurs 8th October.  We've thought about you  everyday, our hearts ache  knowing that you're not  around anymore to fill our  lives with your big smile.  Love and miss you forever,  your big brother Shane,  Deirdre, Joshua, Luke and  Rebecca x

O'NEILL Caroline. Treasured  memories of my beautiful  sister Caroline. Whose 17th  Anniversary occurs 8th Oc- tober. We think about you  always, and talk about you  still, you haven't been for- gotten and you never will.  Sadly missed by your big  brother Paul, Jamie and Sophie x