

O’NEILL Anne & Robert 3rd and 33rd Anniversary.  In loving memory of our dear mummy and daddy Anne  and Robert whose anniversaries occur on the 18th and  22nd February. RIP. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on  them. We look back in fondness every day at the joyful  times we had,  no one could ever wish for such a perfect  pair as my special mum and dad. We are grateful for your  love and we know you watch over us from the Heavens  above. Although you are missed dearly and so many tears  we’ve cried, it is so sweet and fitting that you sleep side  by side. You shared your love, you shared your life, many  precious times together, now you will spend eternity hand  in hand together. Forever loved and deeply missed by  your loving sons and daughters, Robert, Anthony, Dominic, Beth and Cathy, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law,  grandchildren and great grandchildren. xxx.