

O’HALLORAN Lily In loving  memory of my mummy  whose 1st Anniversary oc- curs 23rd February. You can  only have one mummy patient, kind and true no other  friend in all the world will be  the same to you. When  other friends forsake you, to  mother you will return, for  all her love and kindness  she asked for nothing in return. As I look upon your  picture mummy all my  memories I do recall of a  face so full of sunshine and  a smile for one and all.  Sweet Jesus take this message to my mummy up  above, tell her how much I  miss her and give her all my  love. I love and miss you so  much my Lily. Love from  your daughter Christine,  Saint Anthony pray for her.  Our mother’s mass will be  on the 21st of February in  Holy Cross chapel available  to watch online at 7pm.