Birthday Memories


O'Neill Caroline  Birthday memories of our  beautiful daughter Caro- line who would have been  36 on the 15th October. If  we were granted a wish  we know what it be, for  the only thing we long for  is to have you here with  us. Deeply loved and  sorely missed your heart- broken mummy and  daddy. St Theresa pray  for her xxxx.

 O'NEILL Caroline  (Bartha)  Precious birthday memories  of my beautiful wee sister  Caroline whose occurs on  15th October. I know you  will be making a wish today  as you blow out your can- dles, so I'm going to make  one too, that someday soon  we will be together to share  your birthday with you and  when that day comes we  will never be apart again.  Always loved and deeply  missed your big sister  Emma, Eamonn, Natasha  and Rory. forever young  xxxx.

 O'NEILL Caroline  Birthday memories of my  beautiful Auntie Caroline  whose occurs on 15th October. God’s garden most be  beautiful as He only takes  the best. St Theresa pray for  her love you always your  niece Louise, partner Luke  and great niece Freya xxxx. 

O’NEILL Caroline Precious  birthday memories of my little sister Caroline whose  36th birthday occurs 15th  October. Happy birthday  Caroline love and miss you  so much your big brother  Paul, nephew Jamie and  niece Sophie xxx. 

 O’NEILL Caroline. Precious  birthday memories of my lit- tle sister Caroline whose  36th birthday occurs 15th  October. Happy birthday  Caroline. Love and miss you  so much. Your big brother  Shane, Deirdre, nephews  Joshua and Luke and niece  Rebecca xxx